Mother & Daddy

Long & Winding Road Sunshine & Lollypops Fields of Cotton A More Congenial Spot Strawberry Fields Second Star to the Right Stormy Weather Age of Aquarius Yellow Brick Road No "I" in Team Big Little Brother I, Me, Mine Empire in My Mind Little Princes Mother & Daddy Rebel Yell Damn Yankees Aunts, Uncles & Cousins

Rose Elizabeth Bryan Bretthauer                    Clifford Henry Bretthauer
          July 29, 1922 - March 15, 1995                   July 23, 1906 - December 12, 1995

"Way down upon the Swanee River,
Far, far away.
That's where my heart is turning ever.
That's where the old folks stay.
All up and down the whole creation,
Sadly I roam,
Still longing for the old plantation,
And for the old folks at home."
Stephen Foster "Old Folks at Home"

Rose Elizabeth Bryan Bretthauer, about 1947.

Clifford Henry Bretthauer
in India about 1945.

Our replacements:

Mother with Homer, the Border Collie
Daddy with Gertrude, the Shephard Mix

Christmas in NC - 1975.

This is the house that Mom built.