I, Me, Mine
I, Me, Mine...Much to my surprise and distress, I discovered that this website is limited to 20 pages. So, I have merged three pages...Click on the thumbnails; they get bigger and then you can actually read the writing.
Row #1: Special moments with my daughters, Carolina and Zoey...California Girls.
Row #2: Ego-tripping...sappy, but thoughtfully amusing.
Row #3: Special friends, without whom I could not get by.
Row #4: Tribute to Jonathan James Kanoho who passed away on his 18th birthday, September 23, 2005...alone in his bedroom...drug overdose. First he was Zoey's friend; then he and I adopted each other. Jonathan touched my heart...a special kid...big booming opera/broadway voice...we all sang show tunes together...witty, sarcastic, brilliant, artistic, creative, emotional and dramatic, a big being...so much promise lost. He gave me Morning Glory seeds...they bloom every year. We were blessed by his love and friendship.