I, Me, Mine

Long & Winding Road Sunshine & Lollypops Fields of Cotton A More Congenial Spot Strawberry Fields Second Star to the Right Stormy Weather Age of Aquarius Yellow Brick Road No "I" in Team Big Little Brother I, Me, Mine Empire in My Mind Little Princes Mother & Daddy Rebel Yell Damn Yankees Aunts, Uncles & Cousins

I, Me, Mine...Much to my surprise and distress, I discovered that this website is limited to 20 pages.  So, I have merged three pages...Click on the thumbnails; they get bigger and then you can actually read the writing.

Row #1:  Special moments with my daughters, Carolina and Zoey...California Girls.

Row #2:  Ego-tripping...sappy, but thoughtfully amusing.

Row #3:  Special friends, without whom I could not get by.

Row #4:  Tribute to Jonathan James Kanoho who passed away on his 18th birthday, September 23, 2005...alone in his bedroom...drug overdose.  First he was Zoey's friend; then he and I adopted each other.  Jonathan touched my heart...a special kid...big booming opera/broadway voice...we all sang show tunes together...witty, sarcastic, brilliant, artistic, creative, emotional and dramatic, a big being...so much promise lost.  He gave me Morning Glory seeds...they bloom every year.  We were blessed by his love and friendship.